Developing Yorta Yorta Measures for Shared Prosperity, Repositioning Value and a Thriving Community with Strong Foundations

This research seeks to privilege and empower Yorta Yorta and other First Peoples’ voices to better understand the ideas and needs that local community would like brought forward in conversations that contribute to recognising and exploring the aspects that families and caregivers value. Particular focus will be on understanding community priorities for factors that underpin family strength and cultural strength and determining indicators that support wellbeing and happiness, while at the same time building research capacity in the community through the development of a community social research workforce.
These indicators will inform the evaluation of the Goulburn Murray Regional Prosperity and Productivity Plan (GMRPPP). This project is supported by the Algabonyah Research and Impact Centre Aboriginal research team and aims to work directly with parents and caregivers of children in the 0-5 age group.
Click here for further information on the GMRPPP.