Research commissioning
Lowitja Institute commissions research on key priorities and issues related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing.
Discussion papers
Our discussion papers address identified policy priorities through the expert review of evidence and critical discussion. Led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researchers, stakeholders, and community members, these papers address key and urgent policy priorities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. This may lead into a roundtable discussion with key stakeholders to determine the direction, solutions and recommendations, and be refined into a final report for publication.
Co-design roundtables
Lowitja Institute hosts co-design roundtables as a key initiating activity in our policy and knowledge translation (KT) lifecycle, and an integral part of setting the research agenda in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. These roundtables bring together key thinkers, leaders and policymakers to shape emerging thinking and knowledge on topics critical to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research and equity. They ensure that policy development and research reflect the needs of and are led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Their purpose is to:
- bring together key thinkers, leaders, and policy makers to shape emerging thinking and knowledge on topics critical to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research and health equity
- ensure that policy development and the agenda driving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research and policy reflect the needs of community and are led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Policy ‘KT’ roundtables
Our policy knowledge translation (KT) roundtables occur in the latter part of our policy lifecycle, often as a flow on from a policy co-design roundtable and the policy documents and products that ensue. They may also be informed by research that Lowitja Institute has commissioned. Their purpose is to share key research findings with policymakers to facilitate knowledge translation into health policy and research, and to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to meet and determine key recommendations for policy development and implementation.
Their purpose is to:
- share key research findings with policy makers to facilitate KT into health and research and support research impact
- provide an opportunity for stakeholders to meet and discuss where research can have the most policy impact and how this can occur, resulting in recommendations for policy development and/or implementation action.
Roundtables are an important part of Lowitja Institute’s commitment to community-driven, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led policy and research.
View Events for recent roundtables
Visit Lowitja Library for roundtable discussion papers